Anita & Ben’s Holy Matrimony in Church of St. Francis Xavier
Anita and Ben’s story could pass off as a 90s romcom, a coincidence almost too good to be true.
Picture this - boy leaves home at a tender age, lived and built a wholesome life in a foreign country not knowing that many years later, he would find someone that would finally complete the missing puzzle to his life on a chanced encounter when he took a trip home. Had the trip been a week later, or a month earlier, they wouldn’t have crossed paths.
“Where were you all these years?”
“Why haven’t we met sooner?”
(The hopeless romantic in me would imagine this was on their mind a lot as they fell madly in love in a short time)
Perhaps this is why they say meeting the right person at the right time is everything.
Fast forward to this faithful day where they took each other’s hand in holy matrimony, I witnessed the intensity of their overflowing love and adoration for each other from all the little details they’ve prepared and planned for each other. It was such a wholesome day, one I will hold on to for many years to come.